Sunday, January 29, 2012

MoonBase RomRich

In a Republican presidential debate last week, Newt Gingrich proposed a permanent U.S. moonbase by Dec 2019 (the end of what could be his second term as president).  Fellow candidate Mitt Romney said that if an employee of his ever suggested spending billions of dollars to develop a moonbase, he'd say to them "You're fired."  (Here's one link to the story).

During these primaries, I think Democrats should encourage the idea that Newt Gingrich has wacky, weird ideas and that Mitt Romney seems like the less outrageous candidate - more electable.
During the general elections, I think Democrats should point out that Mitt Romney lacks vision, he discourages the entrepreneurial spirit, and thinks the government is equivalent to a business.

That's what I'd do if I were in charge.

Friday, January 27, 2012

How much does this outfit cost?

How much do you suppose this outfit costs?   I've put the details at the end of this post.

It makes me wonder how much money a person has who thinks these prices are reasonable?
It's a completely different world than the one I live in.
If I had unlimited funds would I become accustomed to paying this much for an outfit?

I understand clothing can become like art - it's a way for the designer and the person who's wearing the outfit to be creative and express themselves.  I can respect that.
(Although, I suspect a lot of fashionista people also know where to find good deals and put together cute outfits on a budget)

On the other hand - as a regular practice - it seems obscene to spend this much on clothing.

This is an example of income inequality and the blindness of wealth.

White button-down shirt, $598, black shorts, $498, both, Ralph Lauren Black Label, at select Ralph Lauren stores nationwide. Lizard clutch, $2,950, silver sandals, $595, both, Ralph Lauren Collection. Silver necklace with leather and wood, Pilar Olaverri, price on request.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Marriage is Everyone's Right

To my way of thinking, there should be a distinct line between a civil marriage and a religious marriage.  Since that's not the case in today's United States, I support gay marriage. 
I hope Washington becomes a state that codifies the right of gay people to be married.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Republican Debate

If it was Obama who had his fist over his chest while saying the Pledge of Allegiance I can imagine all the furor and hubbub there'd be from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh and others who I've lumped into a big pot I call ' 'troublemakers for many different reasons'.
Not a good pot name, I know.  I can't think of a word that encompasses all the categories of people I put into the pot that isn't the word 'Crazy'.  Calling them 'crazy' isn't helpful.

Snow Week

Snow on Wednesday and Thursday. Local stations had ALL DAY COVERAGE. ALL DAY. Strangely mesmerizing watching reporters driving - especially Michelle Millman on KIRO. She drove the eastside areas for two days straight and then anchored this morning. She loves her job. As crazy as the situation is, she was a standout for me.
Snow teased us last Sunday when I was supposed to see "West Side Story". Followed by two days of expectations, but no more snow. Followed by two days of snow and icy rain. Melting today.
Other than Sunday, minimal impact for me.
My takeaway from the experience is that the snow came, people felt the need to go to work, most people drive to work on the roads, the news people make driving conditions the main point of their newscast for the whole day.
If work wasn't the main thing people do in their lives, and if cars weren't the main form of transportation - our whole view of the world would be different.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Technology is Amazing!

A sign of getting older...
I am constantly amazed at how technology is making my life easier.

When Grandma Ada visited our house back in the early 70's, she'd watch the cars on a busy street nearby and comment "My look at those cars go zippity zip zip."
She repeated it often and with an equal amount of amazement each time.  In those days we understood Grandma is 'getting older'.  We agreed with her and moved on.

Today I had a question about a banking adjustment on our company's daily statement.  The support person was able to access our account detail, look at check images, and verify information within a matter of minutes.  I commented that it was amazing how long it would have taken just 30 years ago to get all the data we had so easily accessed in a matter of moments. 
The support gal agreed and moved on.

I guess the more experience you have to compare things to, the more amazing it all becomes.
In my working life, I remember how excited I was to get a new IBM Selectric typewriter, inserting multiple 5" floppy disks to use Lotus 1-2-3, the first personal computer in the office that made me jealous of the gal who got to use it, the first fax I saw coming through - about one line per minute, using a teletype machine, learning to take dictation.  I remember how heavy the big green ledger paper books were to look up accounting entries, I remember hand writing notes in a customer file, and answering customer questions that came in the mail via a return handwritten memo with carbon copy attachments.  I remember asking the IT person to help me learn how to control the mouse when I first got one (he didn't really help because, looking back, it was a silly request - I just didn't get it.).

I have all those references in my memory and it makes the things we do in an office today seem all the more amazing.  To the young people it's normal.  I expect they'll be astonished when they get older and have today as a reference.

They might say, "My, look at those cars flying in the air going zippity zip zip"
We'll all agree and move on.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Margaret Anderson

Margaret Anderson, 34.  Mother of two, Wife of fellow Park Ranger.  

See my previous post about the federal law allowing loaded weapons in National Parks.

Yesterday a National Park Ranger, Margaret Anderson, was killed by a man who carried a loaded weapon into the Mt Rainier National Park.  
Since the park doesn't have a futuristic kind of weapon shield, I can't honestly say this would have ended differently without the federal law, but why eliminate one way to keep Americans safe - from each other?
The shooting renewed debate about a federal law that made it legal for people to take loaded weapons into national parks. The 2010 law made possession of firearms subject to state gun laws.
Bill Wade, the outgoing chair of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees, said Congress should be regretting its decision.
"The many congressmen and senators that voted for the legislation that allowed loaded weapons to be brought into the parks ought to be feeling pretty bad right now," Wade said.
Wade called Sunday's fatal shooting a tragedy that could have been prevented. He hopes Congress will reconsider the law that took effect in early 2010, but doubts that will happen in today's political climate.
Calls and emails to the National Rifle Association requesting comment were not immediately returned on Monday.
The NRA said media fears of gun violence in parks were unlikely to be realized, the NRA wrote in a statement about the law after it went into effect. "The new law affects firearms possession, not use," it said.
The group pushed for the law saying people have a right to defend themselves against park animals and other people.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012.

My previous New Year posts...

If I'd been asked, I would have said I annually document my THEMES for the New Year on this blog.  That doesn't appear to be the case. 

Sometimes I wonder if maybe I'm not quite as consistent, detailed, and organized as I think I am...or as I want to be.
Oh well.

I usually spend time (or so I think - HA!) contemplating how I can improve my life in the new year.  I come up with a catchy theme and write up some positive reinforcement and reminders to keep the theme in my awareness in the twelve months ahead.

In the last few years it hasn't worked as well as I'd like.  I haven't been effective at improving, changing, growing.

I'm changing things up this year and not spending time creating a motto and getting 'emotionally ready' for change.  Blah, blah, blah. 

I think my life will be made better if I follow-through and finish things.  Both at home and at work. 

That's it.  No embellishments.  Follow-through and finish
It's my weakness.  I near the end of a project, get bored, and switch to something else.  I encounter a road-block and walk away.  I have interesting ideas, but don't do anything to take the first step. 

I'm fortunate to have the freedom to indulge my interests and hobbies, but I would benefit from having a deeper experience. 
So...slight embellishment...I thought I might focus on one area every month; photography, cards, painting, Photoshop Elements, etc. Focus and Finish. 

Oops - turns out I stumbled upon a catchy motto for the year..FOCUS AND FINISH


It seems like people are optimistic for 2012 to work out well.  I think we're tired of the hard times.  I hope that's the case.

Here's to PEACE, LOVE, HEALTH, HOPE, and HAPPINESS for all in 2012. 

Happy New Year!!