Sunday, January 29, 2012

MoonBase RomRich

In a Republican presidential debate last week, Newt Gingrich proposed a permanent U.S. moonbase by Dec 2019 (the end of what could be his second term as president).  Fellow candidate Mitt Romney said that if an employee of his ever suggested spending billions of dollars to develop a moonbase, he'd say to them "You're fired."  (Here's one link to the story).

During these primaries, I think Democrats should encourage the idea that Newt Gingrich has wacky, weird ideas and that Mitt Romney seems like the less outrageous candidate - more electable.
During the general elections, I think Democrats should point out that Mitt Romney lacks vision, he discourages the entrepreneurial spirit, and thinks the government is equivalent to a business.

That's what I'd do if I were in charge.

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