Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thank you 2016, Hello 2017!

I started the year in Tigard working on the new software implementation. I was proud of myself for not falling apart from the stress. I stayed for two weeks – much longer than I like. 
For the next few months we must have been busy at work.  I was always feeling behind the 8 ball, but for the most part things were going well.
I started walking every morning with my neighbor and was proud of myself for sticking to it.
I spoke up at an HOA meeting and then joined the Building Committee.  
I started going back to a dentist.
In June, Robert died.
In July, my Mom had bypass surgery.
I took care of the cat for four months.
LJB’s brain tumor came back.
Donald Trump was elected President.

None of the difficult things happened to me.  Which is why, looking back, it wasn’t a difficult year as much as it was an emotionally draining year.  I’m lucky to have few responsibilities so the emotional energy required of me to be helpful was available and I could come back to my own home and get re-energized.
Still, I didn’t do as much as a really organized person who’s used to all this activity would have been able to do.  I did my best though.

So, the big thing of the year, after all the personal stuff, is the surprise win of Donald Trump.  Huh?  We elected Donald Trump?  Yeah, he won.
I remember walking with my neighbor at the beginning of the year assuring her he would not be elected.  Nope – never gonna happen.  Republicans are not my cup of tea, but even they wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton had 3 million more votes, but Donald Trump had the Electoral College.  Once again – screwed by the EC (2000).    
How could people vote for a person who doesn’t make logical sense? 
He exemplifies so many attributes I was taught are not good, healthy, loving.  I don’t get it.
So – at this point I don’t predict he’ll do well or do poorly.  I have no idea anymore. 
I have no idea.

The other surprise is that I discovered a few more deep down subconscious things I assume about the world that make me respond in a less than mature way; things I learned at an early age and have hung onto all these years. Can I think of them right now?  No.  But, I know I noticed.  And it was surprising.

What’s next for me?
At work, I want to be the expert I’m paid to be.
At home, I want to spend my time more wisely.  I relish the fact that I can prioritize my laziness above everything, but there’s a point where it becomes a negative.  10 minutes a day and the kitchen is clean, for instance.  How many times have I had to get things done fast, so I did. Afterwards I wonder, if it took 10 minutes to get it done now, why didn’t I do it earlier?
Financially, I want to use up the things I have before I buy new. I’ll buy new clothes and food, of course.  But, hobby and entertainment?  Come on – I have plenty!  I’m not saying never, but more restraint, please.  I want to save money to pay for blinds, a plumber, remodeled bathroom, and new flooring.
For me – I want to be the watcher (Eckhart Tolle), I want to read, and write, and study.  I want to laugh and dance and have the energy to enjoy my friends and be a good family member.
I want to feel the rules of the world – not the rules of society, not the rules of Donald Trump Land, not the rules of my Mother.  I want to know the rules of the universe – there is a way of living in the flow of the universe – I want to know those rules. 
I think the universe rules are:  Be connected, Be creative, Be kind, and Be You. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Westworld (HBO)

In the last few days I watched Westworld.  Or rather, I watched a lot of Westworld, including the finale.
I watched episodes one through five.  I really WANTED to watch episodes six, seven, eight, and nine but I was so tired.  I could barely keep my eyes open.  I told myself I'd be able to tell what's happening if I just close my eyes and listen to the dialog.  Famous last words.  Of course I fell asleep. And when I woke up, it was over. I figured I could watch the next episode and if didn't know what was going on, I'd go back and rewatch episode.  I did the same thing on the next episode, and then next, and the next.  Every time I watched something I had an idea what was happening so I didn't bother going back to pick up what I'd missed.
I paid attention to the final 20 minutes of the finale.
Afterward I read the recaps on New York Times and The New Yorker.
Good enough!

So, what did I think about Westworld?

1. The acting was FANTASTIC!  All around.  Stellar.  I don't know what more to say.
2. One aspect is the idea of memory and reality and what makes us who we are.  I wrote a post about that idea some time ago. It's very interesting (1/1/17 ETA: the idea is interesting, the post - honestly, I'd have to look for it and I can't be bothered, so I can only guess that the post wasn't that interesting...:) )
3. It was disturbing to see how much people enjoy killing.
4. Of course using the robots the way they did - again, very disturbing.
5. I didn't understand the whole maze thing.  I think either there was much more to it than I understood or there was much less to it than the plot implied.  I don't know, even after reading about it on NYT and New Yorker.
6. I was sad the Ellie character didn't survive (I assume, because that was confirmed after I fell asleep)
7. Maeve and Dolores and Teddy were my favorite characters and I believed the actors completely.  Ed Harris did a fantastic job, as did Anthony Hopkins. Bernard was perfect.

The first five episodes were compelling. I wish I could have stayed awake. 'Cause chances are I'm not going to watch the episodes again.  On the other hand, based on my Star Trek Into Darkness experience (I'll be writing about it when I write about Star Trek Beyond) watching again could completely change (enhance?) my opinion.

I'll be watching in Season Two.

Update 12/13/2016 - I saw these two youtube videos from NewRockstars.  Yeah - I missed way too much to have been able to have properly understood or appreciated the episodes!  Great explanations..:) I may watch the episodes again.

Westworld Ending Explained 

Westworld Timeline Explained

Monday, December 5, 2016

3% (Netflix)

I watched 3% on Netflix over the last weekend.  This is a Brazilian show that Netflix supported (?) and is now streaming.

As noted in the reviews above, this isn't new territory on the face of it.  As the story continued to unfold, though, I found myself finding deeper levels and meaning.
After the 8th episode, they can go so many different ways.  I'll be curious to see how they handle it because there are three different areas of interest: Inland, the Process Center, and Offshore.
I should have written notes while I watched because I can't remember the ideas anymore...definitely religion, Ayn Rand, societal fairness, politics...on top of the regular thriller and sci-fi part.

The best thing about the show, for me, is that I was taken along on a familar but not traditional ride.  Oh - I can't think how to say I didn't feel like I knew what would happen at each turn. But it wasn't completely surprising.  It was very pleasant.

I listened to 3 of the 8 episodes in Brazilian Portuguese (with English subtitles).  But, I was too tired to read all of it, so I listened to the rest dubbed in English.  If you can, listen in the original language.  It was noticeably better.

I found myself thinking more about the show today - wondering what might happen next.
I hope we get additional episodes and seasons.