Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012.

My previous New Year posts...

If I'd been asked, I would have said I annually document my THEMES for the New Year on this blog.  That doesn't appear to be the case. 

Sometimes I wonder if maybe I'm not quite as consistent, detailed, and organized as I think I am...or as I want to be.
Oh well.

I usually spend time (or so I think - HA!) contemplating how I can improve my life in the new year.  I come up with a catchy theme and write up some positive reinforcement and reminders to keep the theme in my awareness in the twelve months ahead.

In the last few years it hasn't worked as well as I'd like.  I haven't been effective at improving, changing, growing.

I'm changing things up this year and not spending time creating a motto and getting 'emotionally ready' for change.  Blah, blah, blah. 

I think my life will be made better if I follow-through and finish things.  Both at home and at work. 

That's it.  No embellishments.  Follow-through and finish
It's my weakness.  I near the end of a project, get bored, and switch to something else.  I encounter a road-block and walk away.  I have interesting ideas, but don't do anything to take the first step. 

I'm fortunate to have the freedom to indulge my interests and hobbies, but I would benefit from having a deeper experience. 
So...slight embellishment...I thought I might focus on one area every month; photography, cards, painting, Photoshop Elements, etc. Focus and Finish. 

Oops - turns out I stumbled upon a catchy motto for the year..FOCUS AND FINISH


It seems like people are optimistic for 2012 to work out well.  I think we're tired of the hard times.  I hope that's the case.

Here's to PEACE, LOVE, HEALTH, HOPE, and HAPPINESS for all in 2012. 

Happy New Year!!

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