Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ted Cruz on Face The Nation...and, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT A BUSINESS!!!!

Ted Cruz on Face The Nation Sunday August 23, 2015
"Today we're pre-taping at this rally in Iowa that has thousands of people in support of religious liberty. And what this rally is doing is it's telling the stories of ordinary people across the country who are here today, who stood up for their faith, and who were persecuted.  And you know a lot of folks in the media, they belittle the threats to religious liberty.  They say they're not real, they're made up.  This rally is all about putting names and faces and people to the persecution.  For example, one couple who's here is Iowa's own Dick and Betty Odgaard.  They're a wonderful couple.  An older couple, they own an historic Lutheran church.  For many years the Odgaards hosted weddings in their church.  A couple years ago two men came to them and wanted to have a same sex wedding in their church.  And the Odgaards who are devout Mennonites, they very politely, very respectfully said that hosting a homosexual wedding ceremony in their church was contrary to their faith, they couldn't do it.  They were sued, they went through protracted litigation, they paid five thousand dollars to settle the case.  And they promised never again to host another wedding.  They've gone out of business, they've laid off all their employees.  Why?  Simple because they stood up for their faith and religious beliefs.  We're a nation that was founded on religious liberty.  And the liberal intolerance we see trying to persecute those who as a matter of faith follow a biblical definition of marriage is fundamentally wrong."

1.  Dick and Betty Odgaard are not that old
2.  Persecuted?  Malala Yousafzai was persecuted.  These people are just bigots trying to foist their religious beliefs on the world.
3.  The building may have previously been a church, but it was used by the Odgaards as a bistro and gallery.  Cruz's continued use of the word 'church' is misleading and implies he believes the people who are listening to him are too stupid to check.
4.  I don't want to spend too much time checking this out anymore, but I wonder how many employees worked for them anyway - a couple?  Part-time?  They probably had a few people who were paid when there was an event.  Not that each job isn't valuable, but Ted Cruz's characterization is that this was a company employing a bunch of people.
5.  They weren't so financially persecuted by this that they didn't have enough money to buy 1000 billboards against gay marriage.
6.  If people are politely and respectfully bigoted it makes it alright?

Even if I agree with Ted Cruz - which I DO NOT - doesn't it mean anything that he can't even tell a story correctly?  That should be reason enough not to have him be in a position of authority...he can't be trusted.

Donald Trump was also on the show...
I go back to something I've said before on this blog years ago...

These people keep trying to run it like it's a business.  IT'S NOT!!!!!
They're ruining the government - and the United States - with their misinformation about the point of a government.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Television - Project Runway - Season 14, Episode 3
Television - CBS This Morning - Season 4, Episode 201
Television - The Daily Show News Your Own Adventure (best of Jon Stewart)
Television - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Season 20, Episode 139. (Excellent episode)
Television - Major Crimes - Season 4, Episode 4
Television - Major Crimes - Season 4, Episode 5
Podcast - Think Again, 10 - Mark Epstein
Article - New York Times - Amazon
Television - Tig Notaro - Boyish Girl Interrupted (Hilarious, I laughed a LOT)
YouTube - Knock Knock, It's Tig Notaro

Small bike ride around the neighborhood

Friday, August 21, 2015

Podcast - Political Gabfest
Television - Documentary Now-Sandy Passage
Television - Documentary Now-Dronze
Television - Washington Week with Gwen Ifill
Television - Vera - Season 4, Episode 1 (fell asleep)

Last Week...
Television - Jonathan Strange and Mr. Morell (all 7 episodes)