Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Week

Snow on Wednesday and Thursday. Local stations had ALL DAY COVERAGE. ALL DAY. Strangely mesmerizing watching reporters driving - especially Michelle Millman on KIRO. She drove the eastside areas for two days straight and then anchored this morning. She loves her job. As crazy as the situation is, she was a standout for me.
Snow teased us last Sunday when I was supposed to see "West Side Story". Followed by two days of expectations, but no more snow. Followed by two days of snow and icy rain. Melting today.
Other than Sunday, minimal impact for me.
My takeaway from the experience is that the snow came, people felt the need to go to work, most people drive to work on the roads, the news people make driving conditions the main point of their newscast for the whole day.
If work wasn't the main thing people do in their lives, and if cars weren't the main form of transportation - our whole view of the world would be different.
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