Sunday, July 2, 2017

One hundred and eighty-third day

Doctor Who Season 10

Last night's finale episode.
It didn't make sense to me.
Everyone gave up.

The Doctor didn't even TRY to figure out how to save Bill Potts.
He just decided to die killing the cybermen.
And I'll never accept that a nearly immortal person would care about what he looks like on the outside. I don't buy that Doctor Who would balk at regenerating.

Bill's last line to the Doctor about knowing she likes girls and people her own age seemed more appropriate for earlier companions when they inevitably fell in love with The Doctor.
There was never any flirtatious banter between The Doctor and Bill.

I thought Peter Capaldi was wonderful as The Doctor.  All of his seasons he embodied the Doctor in a way I appreciated.  He acted the hell out of the part!!!!
Pearl Mackie was an authentic, fun, and enthusiastic companion.
The problem with the pairing is that they weren't written with the intensity that other Doctor/Companion relationships have been since 2005.
Since 2005 people are more used to a flirty, romantic story for the companions and maybe people don't know how to write outside of that and still make it seem like it matters.
Or, maybe a year isn't long enough to build up that feeling.
I don't know.

This year's stories didn't interest me very much.  I'll watch them again later because I've noticed that if I watch something a second time I enjoy it more.
At this moment...Season 10 had excellent wonderful fabulous characters and actors (Doctor, Bill, Missy, and Nardole) and the writing for each character was excellent, but the situations they found themselves in didn't interest me.  
I hope I'm wrong and just didn't give them enough attention to appreciate them.
I think it's because this year they decided to focus on the horror side of the show a little more.
That's never been the part I liked, so it could be that.
I like stuff that blows my mind, not creepy, scary stories.

I loved, loved, loved Michelle Gomez as Missy.  I am absolutely heartbroken that I can't see more stories of her.
And Nardole.  He was funny and interesting.

Series 10 - A mixed bag for me.
However, I do look forward to watching them again sometime to see how wrong my initial thoughts are!!!!