Thursday, December 21, 2017


Nearing the end of the first year of the Donald J Trump four year term as President of the United States of America.
As noted in previous blog entries, I think Donald J Trump is not a good President.
His 'leadership' style is chaotic and antagonistic. I don't think that's a good fit for his current job.
I don't agree with his idea of "GREAT" as in Make America Great Again. He values money and winning.  I value collaboration, civilization, cooperation, and consideration.
He TALKS about how great the people of America are, but he thinks a good portion of Americans aren't 'great' enough.
Donald J Trump thinks Americans who can't achieve what he has aren't working hard enough (with the exception of him being the first among the best because he believes he has special qualities that make him REALLY GREAT). He thinks people who haven't achieved like him are looking for government handouts...and sees no irony or hypocrisy in the fact that he got his handout from his father.
Donald J Trump thinks its okay to belittle and name-call other people. He starts it, and if someone talks back to him he twists it around and acts like he's just defending himself.  He's a schoolyard bully.  The only way to survive him is to ignore him. That would be fine if he was a private citizen, but he's now the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
The fact that millions of people - people I know, even - voted for Donald J Trump thinking he would be a good President and we should have this kind of person in charge of our Federal Government has been difficult for me.  I thought, as a country, we were moving in a positive direction.  But, we seem to have slid back to days of prejudice, and 'might makes right', and wealthy aristocrats ruling the world only because they have money.
At this point, it's not even a secret.  They just do it out in the open.  The tax bill for instance - good for nobody but corporations owned by political donors.  There are small handouts to the people, but only as a token to distract us from how much wealthier the wealthy have become.  Some of us are not fooled, but a lot are.
My hope is that we'll get to the 2018 midterm elections and at least vote in a Congress that will put the brakes on Donald J Trump.
Many people still think DJT has the right idea about how to make things right in the country. And giving them 2000 dollars may be enough to sway them to his side.  That's what I worry about.  Some people in our country are so desperate that the $2000 savings the Republicans say that the average family will save on taxes in 2018 might be enough to make them supporters of Republicans and Trump.
I hope not.

Because I want to have credible reasons for why I don't like the Donald J Trump Administration, I'm going to use this page to update all the bad things I hear about that they do.
I'm going to include the Republican Congress in that mix as well, because they're a team now - not coequal branches of government - they're a bonded duo.  Congress is doing what they can to support Donald J Trump's version of Republican policies.
Unfortunately, because of Mitch McConnell and Donald J Trump, we also have Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court and a huge number of Federal Judges appointed by Trump and approved by the Republican Senate.  I question the point of view, impartiality, and philosophical positions that some of them have. I'll have to take them one by one, but it's my gut feeling at this point.

The America I know is pretty well screwed, I think. We have to keep the light on because otherwise there'd be no hope.
I'm just not sure how to make effective change except to be informed and ready to persuade if given the chance.
I'll march in the streets.  But, only for specific causes.  I don't like to march in a conglomeration of different causes because I don't agree with all of them.

That's my preamble to this post. Updates often (assuming I remember it's here!). I may COPY this post periodically so it stays near the top of the blog.

2017 12 21 - Grand Staircase and Bears Ears national monuments.
The Donald J Trump Administration wants to reduce those areas by half and open it to developers.
It doesn't make sense to get rid of a limited resource such as a wilderness area, especially for developers.

2017 12 21 - Trump halts effort to bring back Washington Grizzlies

UPDATE on 10/10/2020
Obviously I didn't follow through on the idea that I'd dedicate one post to describing all the horrible things Donald Trump does.  Luckily - someone else is better at follow through than I am.  Check out What the Fuck Just Happened Today for daily updates on Trump's activities.

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