Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Three hundred and fifty-third day

Ugh - Icky Quartet on their way to gloat about passing the "Tax Cut"

Let's be clear, if this tax cut works out the way they want it to - great.
But, it didn't work out when Reagan did it and he had more going for him than Trump.

The media is paying the most attention to the tax consequences.  
But, I suspect there's a lot in this bill that doesn't have anything to do with taxes.
One that I know is that the bill opens up the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling.
OIL DRILLING?!?!?!  Grrrrrr...

These Republicans don't care about anything but making money and they think that makes a successful world.
I wish they would go to another planet and leave this one to people who want to care for it.

This is my official statement that people who think like this do not make me happy.
I have to remember that they've got a soul and its up in the universe looking at them and watching.
I wonder what their soul thinks.
If I'm right about what a soul would think, then I wonder if Donald Trump's soul is looking for ways to help him see the error of his ways.

I have my idea about what the soul thinks because it's been my observation that it's the way the world works. Nature and people and life.
Being focused on money and material things does not make a person happy.

(Is that because I watch too many movies and television that sends me that message? Have I been indoctrinated? I have an open mind to that possibility. I could believe there's a shady group of ultra wealthy who run the world and are happy if the rest of us aren't trying to compete with them; if we continue to act like contented cows in a meat-eating world.)

Many of the people who voted for the tax bill say they're Christian.
Didn't Jesus say things about worshipping money over God?  And didn't Jesus say "Whatsoever You Do To the Least of My Brothers, That You Do Unto Me?"  And didn't The Bible make humans caretakers of the planet and the animals?
Given all that, and their Christian religion - why do they keep voting against those ideals?
I don't get it.

Let's say Jesus would agree with their tax philosophy...I don't think Jesus would agree that destroying God's beautiful wild creation should be done for the sake of drilling for oil.  That doesn't seem like something Jesus would do.
But, they vote for it.  



On a completely different note, today would have been LJB's 59th birthday. Hey LJB...I'm thinking of you and hope you're having a great time on your wild adventure - keep the light on for us...:)

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