Saturday, January 7, 2017

Seventh Day

This song is joy and love to me, because we're sharing good wishes to all the people in the world.

I even like the part that says 'with blessings from above' because the God of good Christians (I think this is a Christian band) is LOVE, not judgment. It brings a tear to my eye to think of that God sharing blessings on all of us.

I think the religious people of the world with their rules and dogma have gotten it all wrong.
And maybe, people who reject religion and lost God in the process have gotten it wrong as well.
Religion bad - GOD/LOVE good.

This song is God's Love.

(I hope I don't discover someday that the people in this band are judgmental Christians. That would make me sad.)

Two items of good news yesterday:
1) I got through to LJB, but only for a short conversation.
2) W2s look good.
I've spent a lot of work hours looking at reports for W2s - making sure they're correct.  On Friday, I decided they're good - with one small exception I can deal with on Monday.
That's a HUGE relief.  Its our first year on this software and I don't feel like I know enough about our software OR how ADP works.

I read another chapter in my book.
I completed World 2-2 Purple coins on Super Mario Run.

So - a good day all in all, right :)

Let the new day begin!!!

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