Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

Today’s another day.

I’m going to try again.

I will never be completely understood, or completely right.
I’ll never find peace until I accept that
I will never be completely understood, or completely right.

I use other people to assess my self-worth
Because I don’t know how to do it myself.

When I believe that my self-worth is constant – unchanging – immutable…
Then, I’ll be free.

Today’s another day.
I’m going to try again.

This morning, I closed my eyes and asked the universe to show me what I needed to know.  I flipped through the pages of Eckhart Tolle’s Practicing the Power of Now.  Still with my eyes closed I selected page 126

“I don’t mean dropping the reaction just verbally by saying, “Okay, you are right,” with a look on your face that says, “I am above all this childish unconsciousness.”  That’s just displacing the resistance to another level, with the egoic mind still in charge, claiming superiority.  I am speaking of letting go of the entire mental-emotional energy field inside you that was fighting for power.
The ego is cunning, so you have to be very alert, very present, and totally honest with yourself to see whether you have truly relinquished your identification with a mental position and so freed yourself from your mind.
IF YOU SUDDENLY FEEL VERY LIGHT, CLEAR, AND DEEPLY AT PEACE, that is an unmistakable sign that you have truly surrendered.  Then observe what happens to the other person’s mental position as you no longer energize it through resistance.  When identification with mental positions is out of the way, true communication begins.

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