Friday, December 26, 2008

Babylon 5 - Season Four

I'm only about 8 episodes into season four, and sadly, I see why I didn't remember that Babylon 5 was a great show. I'm not interested in the drama they're developing after the conclusion of the Shadow War. I'm not sure this shouldn't have been a 3 year story instead of a 5 year story. I reserve the right to change my mind as I continue watching!!!
The Shadow War's conclusion was both cool and lame at the same time.
"You'll come with us?" "We won't be alone?"
Really? Suddenly they're frightened children waiting for their mommy and daddy? Strange. And a little anti-climactic.
But, okay.
And then, practically the day after the war is over - the galactic war of all time - President Clark decides the hero of the galactic war and everyone on B5 is a danger to him. And the rest of the Earth Dome people go along with it? THAT is crazy! And kind of stupid and ridiculous. That's why i've lost interest today. Oh, I'll watch it to the end. But, I'm feeling skeptical. Again, I reserve the right to be wrong.

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