Sunday, December 28, 2008


I wish everyone had enough money to eat, take care of their physical and mental health, have a home and an education. When they don't, should I give to the charities or to the panhandlers or expect the government to fix things?

1. As a citizen of this country; this community, I want everyone who lives in the community with me to have food, healthcare, education, and a home. I think its so important to the success of our country, that I want my taxes to be used to make sure everyone has what they need.
2. Since not everyone agrees with me about the role of government in helping people less fortunate (and as a result, less money than we need is allocated to helping), I think charities play a role in taking care of people who fall between the cracks. The people who work at or volunteer at the charities learn what works for different people from first hand experience.
3. In the event that a person doesn't have access to funds, or doesn't choose to avail themselves of what's offered, they might start panhandling.

A. Panhandlers might not use the money for what is in their best interest in the long run. On the other hand, is it fair of me to make judgements about how other people should (or deserve to) use their own money? On the first hand, the panhandlers I see look like they use this as a job - they seem to have start and stop times, and I read and article once that said they're driven in from outlying areas in a van by some group or organizer who then takes a percentage of what the people collect.
B. The charities have programs in place that help a person with the essential of life - food and shelter. They also counsel people to help them get out of their current situation. On the other hand, sometimes that help comes with strings attached. While some people say that Beggers can't be Choosers, other people would say that a gift shouldn't be given with expectations or strings. Whether we're in need of help or not, we're all humans with value and dignity.

Here are three articles from the paper that describe the arguments for and against giving money to panhandlers.

December 12, 2008 Oregonian: Spare some change? Put it in the right hands.

December 19, 2008 Oregonian: Panhandlers - What's the right answer?

December 28, 2008 Oregonian: Give a handout to a homeless person? Your call.

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