Thursday, December 25, 2008

Babylon 5 - Season Three

I'm pretty sure I started watching this show in Season Three - the episode called 'Walkabout'.
I don't know how I managed to have a clue what was going on - I missed nearly three seasons of important backstory.
I like this season a lot. I completely immersed myself and watched hours at a time.
I noticed the end theme music changed from Season Two.
Lyta pushes her face forward and purses her lips to show she's doing her telepathy thing.
I got a few chills seeing Sinclair. For whatever reason he left the show, the completion of his story made sense and it seems to have had a good outcome for the actor. Its pretty clear the character he presented and the character Bruce Boxleitner is giving us are emotionally completely different even though, in the original story, there was probably only supposed to be Sinclair throughout.
i can see why I had wrong ideas about the Vorlon and Londo Mollari before. I didn't even know their complete story.
Now, I'm off to Season Four. I have a four day vacation, I'm not likely driving until Saturday or Sunday, and two more Seasons left!

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