Monday, January 29, 2018

I Finished a Book! I Finished a Book!

Yay! I finished a book!  Mostly. I didn't read pages 170 - 200.

It was an easy to read book and I laughed a few times.

It wasn't my cup of tea, though.

I bought the book based on the section where she described how she met and married her husband.  I thought that was fun, original, and interesting.

But, very quickly it changed into a Suburban Mom book.
It turns out the author has a very successful 'Mom' blog called "People I Want to Punch in the Throat"

The book is filled with all the stereotypes we see in "American Housewife".
I only watch that show periodically because the main character is always complaining about the other Moms and then does something equally horrible.

This book was like that.

As I said, it was easy to read and I did laugh a couple times (I don't laugh easily so that means something).

The theme, though, isn't particularly original (even in 2014 when the book was published).
I feel like the story of one Mom in the neighborhood being normal and everyone else is either rich or a Type A or perfectionist or whatever has been done and done and done.
I'm over it.

Oh yeah - I just remembered "The New Adventures of Old Christine" - another show about the same thing.
I loved that show.  I can't say I loved it on its original go 'round. Later, in repeats, I came to appreciate everything about it - JLD acting, Christine's friendship with Barb, her ex-husband, her brother, and her son.  I really liked New Christine.  Yeah - I should have watched that show.  Great writing and acting on all fronts.

"I'm Still Not Over...Julia Louis-Dreyfus' powerhouse performance in The New Adventures of Old Christine" from EW Magazine

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