Saturday, December 30, 2017


From the Washington Post on November 7, 2017:
The Five worst things Trump has done since the election (according to readers)
Decision about transgender troops in the military, shows utter disdain for the truth, canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership, United Nations speech threatening to destroy North Korea, Normalizing lying and demonizing the Press.

The Five best things Trump has done since the election (according to readers)
Jim Mattis as Secretary of Defense, Highlighted how pro-business, pro-wealthy the GOP really is, allowed a team of Afghani teen girls to enter the US for an engineering competition, fired Steve Bannon, and firing Michael Flynn.

My selection of the WORST thing Donald J Trump has done since the election is that he's shown us his personal character.  He's demeaned the office of President by his behavior, and he's created chaos and division.  His 'America First' policy is disruptive to the entire globe. 

My selection of the BEST thing Donald J Trump has done since the election is that by his brash and immature nature he's brought underlying simmering tensions to the forefront.  I prefer we get all that stuff out in the open, and he's certainly done that. We have racists, and gun people, and wealthy people and religious hypocrites, and sexual harassers (etc) all showing their true colors. 
It's good to know what we're working with.
I'll also add that in some areas Donald J Trump is saying to the world that we have to take care of ourselves first (his America First policy).  I kind of agree with that, though the way he goes about it, I don't agree with at all.  We do send a lot of money overseas to help people and I'm glad we do, but we need to be responsible about it.  Given we lost millions during those first couple years in Iraq, I get the feeling oftentimes we don't pay attention to where our money goes and if it's effective.  Also, I want to make sure we're doing things to HELP countries be self-sufficient, rather than make them co-dependent. I don't know if that's what's happening or not.
I wouldn't mind Donald J Trump's efforts to cut regulations if the people doing it weren't so partisan.  They're being hacks about it. More often than not, the regulations are designed to oversee someone (or some corporation) who has already shown a disregard for the well beings of citizens. Most regulations are not made up out of thin air.

From the Washington Post on December 28, 2017:
Polls show Americans distrust the media. But, talk to them, and it's a very different story.
I think the journalists in America can, for the most part, be trusted. I approach everything with a slightly skeptical eye. I take things with a grain of salt.
But, wow - there's a LOT of good information and good writing out there.  Journalists are telling stories and sharing facts.  They're presenting perspectives that I couldn't possibly understand unless I was there in the thick of things.
I trust print media more than broadcast media.  The broadcast media personalities don't have time to delve into things.  The corporations they work for put money first (I think).  Some of the 'interviews' I see on CNN or MSNBC or FOX are ridiculous.  It's a waste of people's time.  Even the morning show I enjoy the most - CBS THIS MORNING has interviews that miss the whole point or don't take the time to follow up on the real meat of an issue.  I can tell the hosts/anchors aren't even listening to the answers. 

From the New York Times on December 28, 2017:
Excerpts From Trump's Interview With The Times
Donald Trump's New York Times Interview: Full Transcript
Our Reporter Mike Schmidt on His Golf Club Interview With President Trump (might require a subscription to the Times Insider???)

There's controversy about the interview because essentially the reporter acted like one of Trump's accolytes.
I agree, but I can also understand that's what the President requires. He is not a normal person.
I wanted Schmidt to challenge the President a little more, but if you push too hard, Trump would think he's not being treated fairly and end the interview. It's a tightrope.

LAPD arrests man on suspicion of making deadly swatting call to Wichita police.

Which reminds me of the kids throwing stuff off a highway overpass and killing a man...
in December
and in October 

Grrr...tragic and completely avoidable if we only did a better job of creating a safe, happy, healthy, environment for all of us.

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