Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fifty-third Day

Here's something interesting:  Scientists using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have discovered seven earth size planets orbiting the Trappist-1 star about 40 light years away.  Three of the planets (now known as E, F, and G) are in the 'habitable zone'.

While I watched the scientists talk about this discovery I was filled with excitement and I felt like my head would explode with the amazing possibilities.
I was thinking about the scientists and the creativity and dedication it took to discover this really cool thing - for them and for all of us.
I am often overwhelmed by the intelligence, focus, creativity, drive, and curiosity that people exhibit when they discover things or work together on a project or find any kind of outlet for all that potential inside.
I was thinking to myself that I wish I could do cool things too!  I want to  make videos and video documentaries and take photos and inspire people and collaborate and read and write and design and explore.  All these wonderful things.  
I've had a lifetime to do them but I just don't know how.
I can't even get a project off the ground at work.
Which demoralizes me and frustrates me and it makes me find my safe place and just watch other people do things.
I'm easily discouraged.

But, watching those scientists, I know it's possible.  

My niece got a job yesterday in her field and it sounds like a great opportunity.  In a text message she said to me..."I'm really excited to be moving forward. To prove myself.  I'm really ready!"

I'm so taken by her enthusiasm and this idea she has to 'prove' herself.  I hope she means to 'prove' herself to herself. I think that's what she means.  She'll discover her own power and it will give her the confidence to always step a little further than she feels comfortable, because she's 'proven' to herself that she can handle it.  

I feel discouraged too easily.  

This is the feeling that made me buy all the craft items - it was an attempt to use this energy and excitement for something.  It didn't work though.  

I know if I could find a way to DIG DEEP, I could make things I can be excited about.
I don't know how to, though.

I'll keep trying to figure it out.  For now - this is what's on my mind.

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