Monday, February 20, 2017

Fifty-first Day

This comic strip makes me chuckle.  Zeebra and Crocs are my favorite.

I didn't post yesterday. I remembered, but wasn't in front of my computer so I decided not to worry about it. And there ya go. Yay - I'm not a slave to the idea of posting every day!!!


Yesterday I watched the first four episodes of Doctor Who, Season 9.  I have them saved on my DVR.  I recently figured out how to easily turn Closed Captioning on and off.  Yay.  I miss a lot when I watch Doctor Who without CC.  I get the gist of things, but not the fun details. 

I had a thought about the Doctors on Doctor Who. Each of the doctors has their personality quirks and even a specific 'look'.  They like different foods and have unique interests.  The current doctor loves to play the guitar.
It must be that these personality quirks come from the BODY the Doctor is in. When he regenerates he isn't familiar with the body or its likes and dislikes. He has to discover it.  
Also, a Time Lord can regenerate into all kinds of bodies - men, women, or children.
It looks like the Time Lord doesn't have a choice.

Is the Doctor taking over these bodies from people?  Where does the body come from? 
Is the Doctor similar to Dax on Deep Space Nine?
Or maybe the Doctor is taking over the bodies of people who died.

This all sounds kinda icky, so I'm curious how that's all supposed to work.


Space-X and NASA successfully sent a rocket to the International Space Station yesterday.  And, the reusable portion landed without a hitch.  
This is fantastic.  
I purchased 1 share of Solar City only because it's an Elon Musk company and I wanted to be part of Space-X.  That turned into 2 shares of Tesla..and I bought one more.  That's the most I can afford.  But, I want to be part of space exploration and support people who are curious.

Today I wondered, it good that the country ceded this over to a private corporation?  
I'm not sure.  It's certainly our way.
But, is it right?  I felt more comfortable when it was a government operation. If something was discovered it was all of ours.
I'm not sure NASA worked that way in practice so maybe whether it's the government or a private corporation it will all be the same
I worry we'll 'pollute' space the way we do Earth. Or that we'll take over civilizations the same way we did here on Earth. 


This article explains how twisted and convoluted the Republican Administration is (my highlight...)

Over the weekend, small man Donald Trump, wounded by record-worst approval ratings and international scorn over the first month of his presidency, retreated to the embrace of his most ardent supporters by holding rallies in Florida and South Carolina. There, he did the Donald Trump thing: yelling inaccurately about crime, the media, jobs, and how he won the election. (We know you won, Donald. We fucking know.) He also offered one of his administration’s signature made-up tragedies by referencing some sort of attack in Sweden, a thing which did not occur anywhere except for within his frazzled, post-factual mind. Since then, his campaign has spun that lie into a claim that, while there may not have been a specific attack in Sweden to reference, the media is actually the ones lying, because they are claiming that Sweden is safe. (Which they aren’t; they are just claiming that a terrorist attack did not happen there on Friday.)

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