Monday, January 30, 2017

Thirtieth Day

May 2004 - On a walk near my apartment in Oregon.  It's the pond behind my apartment.

So, another day has passed. Another weekend has passed.
I might be getting back to okay...YAY!
I feel like reading after work.

And tomorrow is payday!  I've been squeaking by in the last week. As much as I tried to NOT spend money, I still managed to spend a couple hundred on food and canvases.  Grrr.

I'm pondering Donald Trump.  The ban on refugees has people up in arms.
Me too.
It's not very American to ban refugees from a war torn country.
Not to mention, singling out Christians as the lot that will get special priority - that's definitely not American.  We are a secular government and don't make choices based on a person's religion.
And, it was rolled out in the most chaotic fashion imaginable.
Lots of crappy stuff about his Executive Order.

At the same time, I do favor a bit of a look see about people who want to come to our country to live.  I don't like when people who come here have ill intent against the United States.  It seems like they're taking advantage of our (generally) good nature.  If your sole purpose for coming to the United States is to hurt the United States - then I don't want you here.  We should look out for that lot.

But, those kinds of people could come here as tourists.
Are we going to check every tourist that comes to the US?
That's not gonna happen.

So - I think we have to err on the side of FREEDOM and our RULE OF LAW.

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