Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Television I watch - Naked and Afraid

The Discovery Channel's Naked and Afraid ended it's second season on Sunday 4/20/2014
This show is crazy.
There's a reason that, even today, people don't live in the areas the survivalists are sent to -
It's uninhabitable!!!!!  Even our earliest ancestors knew that.
But, you want to go in there...NAKED?!?!?!
Well, Okay.
I doff my cap to you.

Only six episodes this season.
My favorite pairings were:  Samantha and Fernando in The Pain Forest, Cass and Shannon in Mayan Misery, and EJ and Laura in Man vs Amazon.  Laura and EJ had already survived in separate experiences last season.  They replaced a a couple who had a difficult week in the Amazon.  EJ and Laura are very good at this.

Honestly, after a while it's a little formulaic - they're shy about meeting naked, they have trouble building a fire, finding water, finding food, and building a shelter.  On the 21st day they have some crazy journey that looks near impossible given they've spent the last 21 days barely surviving.  But, then - they make it, rather easily given the buildup.
So, yeah - it's pretty much the same every episode.

But, it's awesome!!!!  It's great to see them learn to work together and trust each other.  I like seeing how they prioritize their work and how they face adversity.  I do a lot of talking to the TV during this show..."Don't eat that!"  "You better hurry"  etc.
The thing I most enjoy about the show, as I noted in my post(s) for the last show, is that I imagine this is how our earliest ancestors began life on Planet Earth.  Amazing that we survived.

This season I felt the contestants spent their time mostly waiting for the 21st day.  The environments were so difficult that once the people realized they had mostly no chance to get food/water/shelter their goal was just to survive in deprivation.
We just don't have the places in the world that would satisfy my interest to see how two people would start a new civilization; every place on Earth that could be inhabited, is already fully packed.
But, that doesn't diminish my interest in this show.  

The Live Show "Naked After Dark" wasn't very good.  Sorry folks who make that show, but the vibe was completely off.

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