Tuesday, April 15, 2014

One Year Later

Good on ya, people of Boston.

As a fellow human, I'm proud of the people who are learning to live again without limbs they'd grown accustomed to.  You're all brave.
I send a huge, warm hug and my best wishes to the family and friends of those who were killed.
For all those with memories of the sights and sounds of the bombing, I wish you peace.
For everyone in Boston who felt personally affected I commend you for sharing your love, pride, compassion, and hope.
For the rest of us, I hope that every day we demonstrate to the world the best of what America can be.

On CBS Morning News today, they reported that a government report reveals communication gaps and missed opportunities by the FBI before the attack.  
I have a problem with how media (yes, even my favorite CBS Morning News) talk about these aftermath reports.  It feels like the media is part of a team of lawyers preparing a case against the government instead of reporting the news.  The reviews and judgments should be about learning lessons, not assigning blame.
Let's be honest - mistakes happen.  If there was an aftermath report done on my life, I'd be villified and scorned by the media.  The crowds that latch onto that sort of thing would cast me out to live alone in the wilderness to be eaten by wolves.
I think the media has lost some perspective.
Willful negligence is different than honest mistakes.  We should save the blaming for cases of willful negligence.

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