Friday, November 9, 2012

This is how it started...

President Obama scheduled a press conference today to discuss how we can move forward and deal with the 'fiscal cliff'.

So, what does Boehner do?  He calls a press conference two hours earlier and says let's take back all this fiscal cliff stuff and do a big tax overhaul in 2013 instead.

I am so disgusted by John Boehner and the Republicans.  It's three days after the election.  Ugh.

First of all, the so-called 'fiscal cliff' (a terminology I'm already sick of, along with 'double-down' which was the most overused media buzzword in the election) is there because the Republicans wouldn't agree to raise the debt ceiling.  Obama didn't want them to 'kick the can down the road' (another overused term) again because they keep avoidnig the reality of financial inequity in this country.  That's why there is this cliff in the first place.

As far as I'm concerned Boehner is throwing out an unrealitic solution and next he'll blame Obama for not wanting to go along with it (assuming that's what he'll do).

The economy has stalled while we wait to see what's happening with the election and then how Congress will deal with the current government finance issues.  Why would waiting another year make this any better?  It won't.  Businesses like to plan for the future.  Waiting another year just stalls the economy for one more year.

I hope Obama doesn't go for this.

John Boehner is a bully and way too sinister to be in charge of reasonable people.

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