Monday, May 7, 2012

E-mail to the Prez...

Today's e-mail to President Obama:

"Hello -
I don't have any idea why you can't support gay marriage.  This country is not founded on religious morals, but civil liberties. 
I believe you should support gay marriage as a matter of government policy (or separate marriage from the purview of government all together - but that's even more radical than gay marriage, I think).  I understand if you have personal religious views, but this government is not supposed to support any one religion's platform. 
I'm surprised this is such a tough decision.  It seems pretty obvious to me.
Thank you,

Background:  On this week's "Meet the Press" Biden appears to have indicated a support of gay marriage, but Obama hasn't yet.  I saw this week's episode and I thought Biden's 'support' wasn't that clear, but this is how the press reports it so...

Update 05/09/2012:  President Obama (in an ABC interview with Robin Roberts) says he supports gay marriage.  Woo Hoo! :)  It doesn't mean anything changes - but it sure sets a tone.  Come on America - let's stand together and start affirming a LOT of things...fair taxes for all, civil liberties for all, Pro Choice for all, equal pay for equal work...There are a lot of things we can start standing UP for instead of  being rascally and negative.  We have values that we can be proud of...stop hiding them.  Those negative hate-filled, fear mongering, power-loving hacks need to find their place in the world - and it's not in charge of AMERICA!!!!  GO BABY GO! :)

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