Sunday, April 29, 2012

White House Correspondent's Dinner 2012

AP Photo

Speaking to journalists at the end of his presentation at the White House Correspondent's dinner last night, Jimmy Kimmel said...

"Some people say journalism is in decline.  They say you've become too politiczed, too focused on sensationalism.  They say you no longer honor your duty to inform America, but instead, actively try to divide us so that your corporate overlords can rake in the profits.
I don't have a joke for this, I'm just letting you know what some people say."

Yeah - that's what I was trying to say in my previous post!

Overall, lots of laughs.
To see the video of both President Obama's speech (the dog food stuff makes me cringe) and Jimmy Kimmel's presentation (slows down toward the end), go to C-SPAN.

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