Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oregon Symphony Gospel Christmas

MTF invited me some time ago to enjoy Oregon Symphony's Gospel Christmas last night.  The symphony, a 100 member choir composed of singers from local gospel choirs, rousing gospel music, and the Christmas spirit.  Great combination!

The work week was difficult for the whole company, but particularly for me on Thursday and Friday.  After work yesterday I only wanted to go home, get into bed, eat a lot of chocolate, and think about how much everyone hates me!  Ha!  I think you know where my head was at.

People who don't hate me encouraged me to buck up and go to the event.  I'm glad I did.  I forgot about my own frustrations and enjoyed the music and appreciated everything about the evening.

There was a good combination of rousing and peaceful.  At the end the crowd wanted so much more.  Unfortunately, they had not prepared any additional songs so they did the first song over again.  It was good the second time as well.  It was especially enjoyable to see everyone enjoying the music the way they wanted to.  Some stood up, some clapped, some just listened.  I did a lot of seat dancing and head bobbing along with silent clapping.

I'm grateful to MTF for inviting me, and BL for encouraging me to attend, and the participants for giving me an enjoyable experience.

I'm also grateful the expected freezing rain did not materialize.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  

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