Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My e-mail to the President today...

Today I wrote an e-mail to President Obama.  Sometimes I wonder if its even useful to send these e-mails, so I had to ask, as you'll read a little lower in this post. 

It reminds me of the time my Dad was in the hospital.  He was never demonstrative and I didn't remember that he told me he loved me while I was growing up.  That was just his way.  I assumed he loved me to the best of his ability though.
Because I knew my father was dying, I decided I would ask. 
Its a big deal to ask someone if they love you - to show your need and vulnerability so openly.  I guess its like asking 'is all this effort in vain?". 
On the face of it, I wish I didn't need to know. 
I wish I'd had the confidence of his love already. 
Or, that I'd just given him my time and energy because I knew I loved him and that's all that matters.   

I knew he was dying though.  So, I asked.

"Dad, do you love me?"
"Yes, I love you."

He died two days later.

I'm glad I asked. 
I know I put him on the spot - what is anybody going to say to that question? 
And his kidneys were starting to fail him so he might have been kind of out of it.
But, it still felt good to hear him say it out loud.

Obviously I don't have the same emotional ties to Obama that I had to my Dad and I don't have the same needs and requirements. 
Its still nice to know my voice and opinions are being acknowledged though. 
So, I asked. 
(Honestly, I still expect no response, but I gotta try).

"Dear President Obama,

First, I hope my periodic comments are being combined with other like-minded comments people send and you're being made aware of them. I would like you to always make decisions that I agree with, but since that seems unrealistic, I would like to know you at least have taken my ideas into consideration.

For today, I'd like to say that I think you're making the right decision to wait until we know we have a stable government in Afghanistan as a partner before deciding about troop levels and continued US involvement.

Please do not be swayed or influenced by the political firestorms people will try to brew to influence you one way or the other. You have already made the right decision - to wait, so wait until we know what's happening in Afghanistan.

It makes no sense to continue the same mission in Afghanistan if the 'side' we're supporting is corrupt and working at cross-puposes. We've done that too many times in the past and it always negates the benefits.

If the government isn't supported by the majority of the people after the run-off election then we should not be supporting the government either.

Thank you - and as always, I send you much respect and appreciation for your hard work. I believe in you.



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