Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm an amateur

Wow - I am not good at writing.
I lost patience for the slow and sometimes painstaking effort some time ago. 

My mind is going a thousand miles a minute and as far as I'm concerned its all quite fascinating (hey - that's just me, I'm sure in your world, your stuff is fascinating to you).  I'm glad to get the ideas documented so I don't forget.   
I tell myself that after I get the thought or idea down on paper (or laptop), I'll take a moment some other time to give it the writing treatment it deserves. 
But, I never do.  I move on to the next thing. 

This post is my acknowledgment that although the point of the blog is to help me get better, its not working so far.  Yes, I acknowledge it.

And I even know the solution...meditation and developing the ability to focus on one thing for more than a short burst of time.

A WORD ABOUT THE GRAPHIC:  This is a prime example of me not knowing how to do something, going with the idea anyway, and presenting a final product only the mother of a five year old could love.
If this was the product of their five year old.
Which its not.
I'm an adult.
This is my shame:  I'm willing to slap any old thing together just to finish it and move on to the next idea, thought, television show, etc.
Don't get me wrong, I like to laugh at it too. 
But, that's really an after thought bonus. 
It wasn't my intention. 
But, it does make me laugh.

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