Sunday, May 24, 2009

Abortion vs Torture

(I don't have any appropriate graphic to present for this topic)

In this morning’s Short Takes section of the Oregonian, a writer asks “Why do many on the left see no problem when a doctor sucks a baby from a mother's womb through a vacuum yet consider slapping around captured terrorists to get information a crime against humanity?”

Why? You may believe life begins at the moment sperm and egg combine.
I do not.

I see humans as both animal and spiritual.
You can’t deny we have biological imperatives and impulses.

Yet, there’s something that sets humans apart from other biological beings of the Earth.
To the best of my understanding it’s a consciousness we receive from the universe, or God, if you prefer.

I believe the time and choosing of a soul or consciousness combining with the body is not fixed. It may or may not happen at conception; it may or may not happen at birth. It may happen sometime during the pregnancy, but it just as easily could happen after a baby’s birth.
Every soul has its own time and choosing.

You can’t prove your belief and I can’t prove mine. So, it’s best if we respect each other’s faith understanding and allow each of us to make the choice to the best of our ability.

As far as terrorists go, I believe they are soul-filled beings and should be treated as such.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences to actions.
It means using physical and psychological bullying tactics to get what we want is never the right answer.
That holds true in a world at war, and on our own school playgrounds.
The lessons we teach our children at home, church, and school should be the lessons they carry throughout their life’s work; not abandoned when they’re feeling threatened or afraid.

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