Saturday, January 3, 2009

Israel and Gaza

Some of the people who make their living discussing current events on television and blogs seem to think the Israeli incursion into Gaza is an exercise, essentially by both Hamas and Israel. That's the impression I'm getting anyway.
They say Hamas was flexing its muscles and trying to be the scary dog barking behind a fence. They wanted to encourage a scenario like 2006 when Israel invaded Lebanon to root out Hezbollah. Israel came out of that looking worse for the experience. Hamas hoped for a similar outcome.
Israel has an election in the next month so their intention is to stake out political ground for their candidates. Also, they want to give themselves some breating room because at the least, Hamas will need time to rebuild.
And, the American government needs this situation to quiet down because there's an economic crisis to be taken care of. Let the Israelis deal the blow to Hamas and give the U.S. time to do something about the economy.

If this is an exercise - an exercise designed for political gain and to establish positions (a reset so to speak) then I think its disgraceful on both sides. I think its disgraceful to play such frivolous political games when it results in the death of people just trying to live day to day.

Israel had a blockade against Gaza. Why? I don't really know, but I assume its because they thought rockets or something were going into the region. The blockade was devastating to the people in Gaza. As soon as the current cease-fire expired, Hamas started sending rockets into Israel again.
Both sides - wrong. Neither more or less wrong than the other. Sad. I wish I lived in a country that had some moral authority so we could maybe have some influence. I wonder if Nelson Mandela could help?

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