Saturday, January 31, 2009

Baba Yetu, Christopher Tin, Civilization IV

I hope I don't get out of control adding things from YouTube!

I started playing Civilization at version II. I'm not very good at the game. I can only play at the lower levels; I don't have a military mind that can strategize on a grand scale. My favorite part of the game is discovering the surrounding territory, founding cities, and connecting the cities with roads.

Oh! I'm having a childhood memory: We had a gravel driveway. I spent hours dragging the inside edge of my foot along the gravel making "roads" and building a whole town in the gravel. I loved that! Weird, huh? I loved the book "Harriet the Spy". I remember she had a notebook and kept a detailed description of everything that happened in the town. I must like building towns and creating environments - even abstractly.

Back to the point of the post...What I love about Civilization IV is the music. The video above is the main theme song and game graphics.
You never know where you're going to find interesting music.
The composer is Christopher Tin. I'm keeping my eye out for a CD he's creating called "Calling All Dawns". The singers are Talisman Acapella (Stanford University).

203 words/1165 characters (with spaces)

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