Sunday, December 7, 2008

Barack Obama on Meet The Press

Barack Obama was on Meet the Press today.

I am reassured, time and again, by Barack Obama. He is a leader. I liked everything he said during his interview with Tom Brokaw (his last interview as temporary host of Meet The Press).
Taxes, infrsstructure, national security, auto industry bailout, everything. Okay - so I'd like him to be more revolutionary, but its not possible and that's okay. He understands that he's the leader setting the tone. He doesn't allow himself to be tripped up by silly questions (does the auto industry deserve to be bailed out - deserve? Whether they deserve it or not isn't even relevant).
Barack Obama knows that he sets the tone in America - culturally and politically.
I have so much respect for him. I am hopeful for a brand new day.
I hope once he gets in office he won't be hamstrung by partisanship and politics from others. I get the feeling he won't allow it to happen.

Now that he won the election, I've allowed myself to be fully 'in the tank' for Obama. He is living up to my expectations. I hope it continues into his term as President.

I really wish him the best and send him good energy and want to help him put this country back on track. As he said in the interview, if the country continues to believe that 'greed is good' and asking 'what's in it for me', then nothing will change. We have to recognize that when the benefits of productivity are spread throughout the economy, everyone wins.

And, I'd like to go so far as to say that people who don't see that - people who continue to believe they got where they are on their very own and don't owe anyone anything and want to keep everything to themselves - well, those people live in fear and negative energy and should be ignored. We should not try to appease them, we should work around them until they see that they will benefit when everyone benefits. Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers - that you do unto me.

Barack Obama understands that.

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