Sunday, November 16, 2008


I don't mind paying taxes. Its the price I pay for living in a great country with good roads, good water, police and fire protection, a court system, etc, etc, etc.

Nothing comes from free and if we want things to work well, we have to pay for it.

Nobody likes waste though. All Americans (Democrats and Republicans alike) can agree that wasting tax payer money is the sin.

Of course, what some people call a waste, other people call a necessity.

I think the social security limit should be changed. We shouldn't have a dollar value limit, but a percent limit. Everyone should pay the same rate up to x% of their pay. Wouldn't that solve the problem of rich people having to pay considerably less tax as a percentage of their income?

I don't understand the reasoning behind the estate tax. I haven't researched it. I wonder if its a way to protect against an aristocracy? I don't know. I'll look into it. But, it doesn't seem reasonable to tax estate money, because, hasn't it already been taxed as income?

Capital gains tax is fine. Its income (or loss). And mostly rich people are the ones who get this, so I'm even okay with a reasonably higher rate than normal income. I should research that one a little more as well, though.

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