Thursday, September 25, 2008

Whose side am I on?

Aargh! Continued craziness.

So, I find myself agreeing with Lou Dobbs (in the last five minutes of his show today) when he said Congress has forgotten to even ask the question about whether we need a bailout or not.

The Democrats and the President seem to be coming to agreement about a bailout. There's a rogue group of House Republicans who are saying no deal.

I even agree with Neil Cavuto (on FOXNews no less) who is also wondering if we really need a bailout.

The House Republicans want a completely new package deal that would mean private money would swoop in. But, they'd need to include tax incentives, etc to make that work.
That doesn't sound very good because who has private money to add? Rich people. Who would get tax breaks? Rich people. So, on the very small face of it, I don't like it.

If my choice is between the House Republicans plan to use private money, and the negotiated Democratic plan, I'd have to choose the Democratic plan.

If my choice is for additional discussion to find a new plan (insurance and loans instead of purchasing the securities) or the negotiated Democratic plan, I'd have to choose more discussion.

I haven't been reading too much today - mostly I'm getting my information from a combo of CNN and FOXNews.
Its harder to work and read the news than it is to work and listen to the TV news. And, I gotta work - or I'll lose my job and be part of the people who have to get bailed out!!!

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