Thursday, June 12, 2008

America's Best Dance Crew 2: The Live Auditions

If you knew who I was, you would know I have no business critiquing this show with any kind of authority. So, I won't critique it, just give my thoughts.

It struck me funny that Randy Jackson walked out flashing the peace sign - twice. In his 60 seconds (at the most) of speaking time he said 'Dawg' 2 or 3 times, and he said 'man' 10 times.

The use of the word 'sick' to describe a really good move sounds forced. I think they should stop saying 'sick' or 'sickest'. They sound like they're trying to imply 'hipness' by words instead of action. Just because a person uses the words doesn't make it true.

I fast forwarded through the interview segments. They looked too phony and rehearsed.

Overall, I don't think any of the teams rise to the level of JabbaWockEez or Kava Modern from Season 1 - my two favorites. I might have a warped recollection though because I wasn't as impressed with JabbaWockEez dance at the end of the show as I expected. I have high expectations for them.
As the show progresses I hope I'll get a better feel for the teams and their individual style. It seemed that there weren't as many trick groups as I recall from last season.

Here are my thoughts:
East Coast - I'm surprised the Sass x 7 group made it through - they really are cheerleadery. I thought the Shhh team was equally as good and brought more 'swag' as Lil' Mama said. MidWest - I thought ASIID and Full Effect were about equal. Either could have moved forward.
South - HIStory didn't 'bring it'. I had hoped they would do better.
West Coast - I would have dropped Fanny Pack instead of Team Millenia. I didn't see what the judges did; maybe that they were different? Ah well.

Teams to watch: Supreme Soul, Super Cr3w, SoReal Cru, Xtreme Dance Force

I thought the Team Millenia girl was cute in the end..."Big ups to all the West Coast teams, like, we all had mad love, like, for sure." It just made me chuckle a little. She was sweet.

I want to start saying 'big ups' and 'mad love'.

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