Saturday, November 16, 2019

Climate Change changes everything!

From the Seattle Times: Mini Mercury skips across sun's vast glare in rare transit
Photo Credit: This image provided by NASA shows the planet Mercury in silhouette, low center, as it transits across the face of the sun on Monday, Nov. 11, 2019. The solar system’s smallest, innermost planet will resemble a tiny black dot Monday as it passes directly between Earth and the sun. (Bill Ingalls/NASA via AP) 

Washington Post - Japan Climate Change

Even if you don’t believe climate change is caused by human behavior, wouldn’t it be smart to consider how the next cycle of weather change will impact our lives, economy, food/water/air resources?

We’ve had ice ages followed by warming periods in the past. If this is part of that natural cycle it will still drastically affect our ability to live on planet Earth. As human beings, not as Americans or Asians or Europeans.

We should develop sustainable forms of food and energy production.

Wouldn’t it be great if this warming phase made it impossible to reach the natural resources that produce guns or oil? That would certainly change our way of life!!!!

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