Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Three hundred and forty-seventh day

I don't know much about Alabama politics or about Doug Jones. People I read seem to think he's a good man; a solid liberal Democrat.
That's good for me and my side.
Beyond that - it's good for America.
Roy Moore, the Republican candidate opposing Doug Jones, is not the kind of man any American should want to represent them, or deliberate for them on important policy issues of the day.
Many people do - which we still have to reckon with.

Why was Roy Moore a problem?
In 2001 he was elected to be the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.
While in office he installed a marble monument to the 10 Commandments in the Justice Building.
A federal court ruled he must remove it, but he refused.
Instead, he was removed from his position.
Good riddance.
Too bad that wasn't the last we'd hear from Roy Moore

In 2013 he was again elected Chief Justice to the Alabama Supreme Court.
While in office he instructed probate judges to continue enforcing the state's same-sex marriage ban even though the Supreme Court had ruled it unconstitutional.
After losing an appeal of his suspension, Moore resigned this year.

Those two things alone are enough for me to say he's unfit for office.
He's said and done a lot of other things that were really horrifying.
The worst part is lots and lots of people agree with him.

I was afraid he'd win the election.
I am grateful for all the people who took time to work for Doug Jones so we don't have to deal with Roy Moore.

There's a lot about this election that makes it interesting.
Religion over state (he's evangelical and they love him)
Party over country (Republican Party supported him)
Relations between men and women (he was accused of sexual harrassment - and most of his supporters didn't believe the accusers and assumed they were being paid to do it. Additionally, a couple women spoke out about Roy Moore's attempts to date them when they were only 14 or 16 and he was 30 - 35)
He said in an interview with The Guardian that America wasn't so great and maybe Putin has it right about same sex marriage. And then he spoke Russian.  Odd.  That was from a couple years ago, I think.
He's racist.  Even his wife, just two days ago tried to defend him by saying "one of our lawyers is a Jew".  I mean, come ON. That's crazy.

I was afraid he'd win because as crazy as those things are, a LOT of people voted for him and a LOT of people voted for Donald Trump. 
If that kind of anti-American behavior wins any more than they already have then the America I've felt comfortable in all my life will be gone.


Donald Trump tweets:

A perfectly normal Presidential tweet from yesterday afternoon. Most likely tweeted pro forma by his staff.  Nothing to see here.

This morning:

This morning I'll comment in chronological order:
1. Perfectly reasonable tweet. I do not believe he wrote it himself.  Not one bit. 
2. Once again, everything is about him and proclaiming himself right. What an ego on this one!
3. According to Donald Trump "Fake News Media" is any media corporation who doesn't say what he says is true.  He says everything is great.  If a media outlet comments on the ways in which things are NOT great for everyone, Donald Trump calls it "Fake Media".  He assumes if people disagree with him or have a different interpretation of the success or failure of a policy that they're lying - and that means they're 'FAKE'.  
He doesn't seem to understand that many people are writing negative news stories about him because a LOT OF PEOPLE think he's a negative person.  He brings toxicity and chaos and division and hatred into our government.  He's NOT a good President.
There have been a couple retractions from newspaper people when they've made a factual error.  The thing that has him up in arms right now is that one NYT reporter tweeted a photo of his rally before it started so it looked like not many people were there.  Of course Donald Trump took offense to comments about his crowd size.
The thing is Donald Trump has said MANY MANY MANY things that were wrong and he won't even apologize for them or even acknowledge he was wrong.  
The truth is he's the eff'n joke, but nobody's laughing anymore because he's a stupid eff'n joke.


A follow-up to yesterday's tweet in which Donald Trump said Senator Gillibrand would do anything.  
Many reporters in yesterday's White House Briefing asked Sarah Huckabee-Sanders (WH spokesperson) what the President meant by his implication.
I'm not the only one who took it the way he meant it.
But, per their strategy, she feigned ignorance and claimed anybody who took it that way had their minds in the gutter.
I wish I knew the strategy to put a humiliating stop to all the nonsense that comes from the current White House.

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