Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sixty-fourth Day

Ted - from John's apartment patio

I had a productive week at work.  Things were moving along, getting ticked off my To Do list.  Felt good.

Yesterday SGM drove up from Portland to visit.  We made cards.  Honestly, I can't make cards at all even though I have a bunch of supplies!  But, she made five cards sitting right there in a matter of 5 hours that also included a walk to buy lunch!  What's up with that?
My current theory is that I don't have enough patience when I'm creating.  I like to see the end product so I rush through it and make mistakes.  I never have something I can send.
On the other hand, SGM didn't move so slowly that she couldn't finish anything in 5 hours.  She finished FIVE cards!!!!
I made mistakes on all of mine.  Except the last one.  But, I haven't finished the last one because I'm going so slow.  I'm making one mark per hour it seems.
Too fast, too slow!  Grrrrrrr. 
I'll attempt to finish mine today.
I will say that while I was moving slow, I was enjoying the process more, so that's a benefit.

I volunteered to be the condo's building committee chairperson for at least a year.  I hope that will be fun and I can do a good job.

This week on my plate:  Today go to Mukilteo to check on a couch for my niece, Monday meet with garden planter people (??), Thursday meet with door people, Friday meet with courtyard bidders, Saturday meet Mom at her tax guy's place.  And work full time.
(March 15 is building committee meeting, March 16 is Jan's retirement party in Portland, and March 22 is condo meeting).
Busy month for me - I usually have much less of my time spoken for!!  But - what has that gotten me?  I'm lazier and lumpier - but not happier.
So, I'll be busy(ish) for a bit and see how that goes.

By the way - our President sends tweets that boggle the mind.  They're immature and childish.  
It's so irritating that it distracts us from the policy changes he's making.  
I'm watching Fox News periodically to see what the other side is thinking.  I'd be so embarrassed if I voted for the current Republican Administration.  People who did, they KNEW he was going to be a problem but they wanted to vote for their personal interests - not the country.  

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