Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thirty-eighth Day

Well, I screwed up again!  I could have sworn I posted yesterday.
I was distracted by my first snowfall while at this apartment.  Yay!
Also distracted by how cold this apartment is.
And, distracted by all the expensive things I'm supposed to pay for - dental implants, heating, blinds, remodel, condo assessments, retirement.  How am I supposed to pay for all of this?
I'll leave it at that today because I'm hibernating in the only semi warm spot in my apartment - and it's     68 degrees.  It doesn't seem like that should feel as cold as it does but my nose is chilled.
I'm writing this on my iPad and it's not responding well, which is also why there isn't a photo associated with this post.
Oh yeah - and Betsy DeVos got confirmed only because Pence had to break the tie.
This woman Never attended a public school, and didn't send any of her children to public school, and yet she is now the Secretary of Education.  She supports school choice and a voucher system.
Donald Trump is the worst President this country has ever seen and he's chosen his Wall Street friends and big money donors to be part of his government.  What a horrible President.

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