Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Twenty-fourth Day

In June 2016, MFT invited me to a 'party' at another person's house. It was a thing where we paid x dollars and were provided the materials to make a crafty DIY home decor project.  It was a fun evening and I hung my board in the bathroom.  I loved this gal's house.  From what I saw the rooms had an easy flow and with the decorations, the home felt warm and comfy.  I'm not sure I'd want it for my home, but I was really comfortable in her home as a guest.  The star of the evening (from my perspective) was this spread she had on the dining table.  I don't eat most of it anymore (vegan), but just looking at it made my mouth water.  There are meats, and cheeses and bread, and fruit and crackers and cookies and cakes.  This is my kind of spread.  Mm-mm good.  It makes me happy to look at it.

Yesterday - start of a new work week.  I did okay.
Last night I went to dinner with the Brace family.

I don't have too much else to say.
As I've mentioned before - posting in the morning is throwing me off.  I feel like I have interesting things to say, but by this time the next day I forget what it was.  I'll have to come up with a way to notate some ideas that I can go back to when I write the post up.
Otherwise you (dear reader) will think I'm BORE ING!!!  Ha!  We all know I AM boring, but I'd like to believe I think one or two interesting thoughts in the course of a day - lately, I can't even muster that.

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