Friday, July 22, 2016

If I were Hillary Clinton's speechwriter...

I'm imagining what I want Hillary Clinton to say that would capture the hearts of America.

Wouldn't it be lovely if she told everyone in the crowd how precious and unique each of them are?  And then I imagine her looking into the camera and telling everyone watching out there that they are special and unique also.  She would talk about what a miracle we all are and how courageous we are to be here.
I would have Hillary talk about how each of us, because of our uniqueness, is valuable; valuable to the world, to their family and friends, and valuable to the country.
The speech would then pivot a little to talk about how if I, Hillary, were the President I would value each of us equally.
The people in Flint, MI would be valued, the children in our schools would be valued, the young black men of the country would be valued, the police would be valued.
Each of these groups of people contribute to what makes this country great.  Each one of them brings something to the table.  And each of them should be valued.
I would work to make sure everyone has easy access to clean drinking water, an education that would teach people to think critically and uncover each of our unique gifts.  I'd make sure everyone felt that their safety and peace of mind is as important to me as my own.
Because everyone is valued, everyone will be respected.  We'll respect each other because that kind of attitude comes from the top and when we have a government run by people that respects everyone and values each of its citizens then it will create policy that shows that.
We won't have laws on our books that help people be dishonest, we'd care about people's food and safety.  If an industry is losing market share, we'll have programs that help people learn new skills.


That's all I have the patience to think about right now.  But, that's what I'd want to see in a speech.  And then, I'd want it to really happen.

What a Wonderful World it would be...

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