Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day

(I was going to add an image here, but I don't know how to do it on my iPad. Boo me!  I'll add it later)

Today is 3/14/15.
The first digits of Pi are 3.1415
There won't be another Pi day until 100 years from now in the year 2115.
Yee Haw.

I like that some people made a celebration day out of it.
I'm noting it here, but honestly, that's the extent of my celebration.
I wonder if the mathematics community was more inclined to celebrate than the general population?

I don't understand the significance of Pi.  It has something to do with the radius of a circle, and the number goes on to infinity.
Am I lacking in wonder because it doesn't make me curious?  Am I missing something about its fundamental nature?
Many people are fascinated with Pi so there must be something I don't understand.
I suspect our knowledge of Pi has led to many wonderful inventions and discoveries.
For that, I'm grateful.  I'm glad there are people in the world who recognized the significance of Pi and had the fortitude to put it to good use.

On this, the first and last Pi day of my lifetime (presumably) I stand tall and proud to say...

Pi I salute you!!!!!

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