Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Today's blog post

I don't have the patience to write a blog post today.  I've been doing well posting one entry a day since April 12.  That's only 19 days.  But, it seems like at least a month to me.  And the entries I've posted haven't been impactful or interesting.

Today I wanted to write about Donald Sterling, but the topic has too many angles for me to pick one and write about it...racism in America is alive and well, plantation mentality, he had a history of racism and yet people continued to work with him, is it okay to continue associating with people whose moral compass is that far off, where do we draw the line, does money trump everything, this story is the ultimate example of how money has influence which the Supreme Court doesn't really understand, the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP was going to give him his SECOND lifetime achievement award because he has donated so much money - no integrity on the part of that chapter of the NAACP, Donald Sterling and his ex-wife were suing the gal Sterling was speaking to on the tape and suddenly this comes out which sounds like somebody called somebody else's bluff, privacy - he was in a private home and may or may not have known he was being taped, he hasn't violated any laws but he's violated the people who support his team and enterprises and they spoke loudly and effectively - that's the free market...etc, etc, etc)

I have no patience for focused thinking, I guess.  I'm a daydreamer.

UPDATE 5/2/2014 - I watched Shark Tank tonight and before I moved on to something else, 20/20 started.  Barbara Walters did an interview with V Stiviano - the mistress.  It was horrible.  Every article I've read about this whole event has focused on what I would think are the larger issues as I mentioned above.  ABC News?  They go to the mistress.  They showed footage of the mistress roller-skating in her neighborhood wearing a big visor that covers her face while being chased by paparazzi shouting at her.  They showed footage of Donald Sterling and his wife leaving a restaurant while paparazzi screamed questions at them.
And the questions Barbara Walters is asking the mistress?  Ridiculous (do you love him? is he racist? should he apologize?)  The mistress?  Incomprehensible.("I'm his right hand arm").
I don't think there's a news division at ABC.  Really trashy.
And, if Donald Sterling is so distraught, why on earth would he go out to a restaurant?  Why not stay home - he's rich enough to have people come in and cook for him.
That's how ABC turned this topic into trash for me...they showed me these people are publicity hounds and not all there in the head, even if they are rich.  Or maybe because they're rich.

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