Wednesday, June 26, 2013

ABC's "Whodunnit?"

On Sunday I watched the premiere episode of ABC's "Whodunnit?".
I was intrigued - I'll continue watching.

Although, in a couple ways, it confused me.

First, if the contestants are regular folks who signed up to be part of a game, how are they playing dead so well?
The first victim was electrocuted and it was real enough to be creepy.
In the 'morgue', three contestants examined her body for clues.  I would be too self-conscious to lay on the autopsy table realistically.
I suspect the first 'victim' was an actress, but what about the others?
I wouldn't have suspected there were this many ordinary folk who are that comfortable in front of cameras.

Second, the contestants are trying to figure out who the 'murderer' is, and it's one of them.  Very quickly there are alliances and lying.  One group of three who viewed the victim's body in the morgue decided to keep a clue all to themselves and then each one of them went back to the group and told someone else - and got mad at the other ones for telling.  Ridiculous.
So, someone is lying because they're the murderer.  Fine.
But, everyone else is lying too.  I can't tell if the format of the game encourages typical reality game lying, or if the idea of lying on a reality game is typical so no matter what the format, the players would respond the same way.
The contestants themselves make the reality game less interesting when they act unrealistically.  Do they lie in real life when trying to solve a problem?
Wouldn't it be nice if someone came up with a different way of playing?
I find that aspect irritating.

I still think it's a good show.  They had a puzzle that took some thinking (with a little luck), and the game has been setup well.  It reminds me of The Mole, which was also a fun reality game.

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