Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bitter, angry men.

John McCain and Lindsay Graham

I don't know why anybody puts them on their show.
Well, I guess I do - media loves a loon.

They are obsessed with supposed coverups of the Petraeus scandal and the Benghazi attack.

I'm not in a position to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there wasn't a "coverup".
It sounds unlikely to me though.  To what end?  I don't think the president would do it.
It makes complete sense to me that in Benghazi there was a lot of confusion and it would have been hard to know what was going on.  It would take several days.  And, what if the administration did know more than they said initially?  It's reasonable to assume they might have had some security reason not to tell everything at that time.  Sheesh - even police departments hold back some information about crimes when the investigation is ongoing.
It seems irresponsible of McCain and Graham to insist that every detail be told in public before all the facts are known.

Graham wants a Watergate style commission to review this.
He is such a hypocrite.  If he's concerned about the government spending too much money then this isn't the way to change it.  

Add the Petraeus scandal, the former head of the CIA for goodness sake!, and this is the Graham/McCain way to stir the pot so nothing can get done in Obama's second term as well.

I do NOT like the way these men do business.

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