Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Amendment

Today the Supreme Court ruled that members of a certain Kansas church can legally say repugnant and horrible things at the funerals of United States soldiers when they follow state and municipal rules - even if it causes emotional distress for the families of the soldier.
(If you were to look up information about the church, it would make your blood boil and you'd feel sad and sickened that people like this have so much time on their hands.  In my belief system they are not furthering any kind of spiritual, human, political,or religious cause by their unloving behavior.)

Even still, I agree with Steven Shapiro from the ACLU:
The court's decision today, properly and respectfully acknowledged the Snyder family's grief.  But, it also, correctly held that the response to that grief cannot include abandoning core first amendment principles that protect even the most unpopular speech. 

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