Saturday, June 12, 2010

We'll just have to wait and see how this pans out...

It turns out I share a birth day with:

Kendra Wilkinson (1985)

and Anne Frank (1929)

We're an interesting group!

I've often considered the theme of my life to be "WAITING".
This year, I'm taking more action, but I feel the theme of my life could still involve waiting;  "WAIT AND SEE".
I'm not sure how things will turn out and I choose not to hazard a guess.
The big question is Can I Live Up To My Hopes?
I'm putting myself in a position to have an answer for that - but as yet, I don't know.
What are my hopes?  In short, less anxiety, deeper connections with people, taking responsibility, and committment.
My goal for every day (every moment of every day) is to be the universe's pure expression of love; to live my life most fully expressing the love of the universe and fulfilling my greatest potential.

I've been overwhelmed in the last days (weeks?) with the generosity and good spirit of people I come in contact with.  Tons of positive energy and support from many corners.  
I'm grateful for all the blessings that come my way.
The blessings have come to me not because of anything I've done, but rather because of the choices other people make.
A person CHOOSES to offer help or a kind word
a person CHOOSES to support  change and growth
a person CHOOSES to expect the best
All the great love and support I've received in my life, and most particularly in the last several weeks, is because someone chose to share it with me.
I'm humbled and grateful.  
Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Vickster. Just wanted you to know that I've started reading your blog more often. Thanks for your life-affirming, thought-provoking mental meanderings!
SalonMate KE