Friday, March 5, 2010

My Week in Review

My Week In Review
February 27 through March 5, 2010

**I tried to scrub my kitchen floor.  It was exhausting.  Someone should clean that more often.  
**I played with Little Kitty
**Took a box of record albums to Everyday Music and got a whole $17.00.  I spent 6 of the 17 dollars on a CD I later realized I'd already downloaded on iTunes.  And it just now occurred to me that one of those albums was...
I used to play the heck out of this album.  I was just a kid and I remember the cover was more than I could understand.  I had a portable turntable that I could put a bunch of albums on and they'd drop down to play.  Ahhhh...those were the days.  I loved the music on this album!  
Now, its gone...only my memory to keep me sane.
**Took a microwave and old television to Goodwill.  Thank you for the heavy lifting MFJ.
**The electricity went out on Sunday morning for a couple hours.  I'm glad it was light out so I could read the paper in the front bedroom.  It was kind of nice and peaceful.
**The scratchy throat and stuffy nose I had last week didn't turn out to be an allergy to the cat, or mold in my house, but rather an everyday common cold.  I got a cold????  I was a little in shock. When?  Where?  I don't get colds!?!  How did this happen?  Who gave this to me??  Man, I have a cold.  And isn't this a little peculiar that suddenly when I start eating more fruit (orange and apple at least, right?) I get a cold.  Seems very odd to me.  So, on Tuesday and Wednesday I stayed home from work (except a meeting on Tuesday) and put my "tried and true surefire hasn't failed me yet if only the whole world would try it we could probably get rid of colds forever" cure.  What is it, you ask?  Blow your nose.  Blow your nose a lot.  I mean, REALLY BLOW YOUR NOSE!  All the time.  It's my theory that the virus is in that mucus (the more polite term, you know) and the best thing to do is get it out of you.  It doesn't help to just dry it out because the virus is still there - just dormant.  You gotta get it out of you.  Especially before it starts getting into your lungs.  Get it out.  I blow my nose so much it feels raw (although, luckily it didn't look as red as it felt).  AND, if I feel a little cough coming - I gargle.  Now, that part of the cure is still in the theoretical's just a hunch.  It worked this time, but I'm not sure it will work every time.  The blow nose strategy?  That's a winner.  Works every time.  I was fine on Thursday - cold is gone.  YAY!!!!
**I painted little ATC size cards with all my paint colors.  I have to admit, some of them look like they're the same color.  I have a few yellows that I can't even tell the difference.  That makes me feel silly for buying so much paint when I didn't know what I was doing.  
 **I did NOT win the lottery.  I can't properly express how much I want to win the lottery for millions of dollars.  
**Tonight MTF invited me to Oregon Ballet Theater's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".  It was a nice program.  
**I'm still experiencing life transitions.  What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

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