Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama State of the Union

I watched President Obama's speech tonight and here are my thoughts...
1.  I thought so many of these initiatives were from last year's speech.  Didn't he already say we were going invest in environmentally safe technology and create jobs by improving our infrastructure?  I still think they're good ideas.  For the state of the union I want to hear why last year's goals were not met.  The Repbulicans?  Oh yeah.
2.  The Republicans.  I think Repbulicans act childish when they, en masse, will NOT clap for EH-NEE-THING the President says.  It seems there were some lines in the speech they would have agreed with.   But, they wouldn't applaud.
Conversely, I'm reminded of a high school pep rally when I watch the Democrats clap at EV-REE-THING the President says.
It was the same when Bush was President, except the parties were reversed.
It screams partisan ideology.  And it looks like the Congress is a bunch of mindless idiots.
3.  I thought the President could have been even MORE forceful when he said every day in Washington can't be election day.  Congress isn't making progress because they're more concerned with the next election and making the other side look bad.  It's ridiculous and tiresome.
4.  The end of the speech came more abruptly than I was prepared for.  President Obama seemed like he was going somewhere exciting, and then it ended.
5.  I liked that he said the Supreme Court made a huge mistake with their recent decision (5-4) about corporate campaign contributions.  Boy, did they ever!  Even Sandra Day O'Connor, retired Supreme Court Judge, has come out against it.  I don't like Scalia, Thomas, Roberts,and Alito.  In fact, Alito was caught shaking his head in disagreement with Obama's speech about the decision.  They believe a corporation is the equivalent of a person.  IT IS NOT!  A corporation is a TOOL for people to make money.  A TOOL should not have the same rights or privileges as a person.  It's been part of our culture recently that the corporation is more important than the individual, but this decision makes it even more part of the reality.  Well, enough about that for now.  This was a BAD decision, that's all I'm saying.
6.  I have a lot of respect for Obama for not wanting to quit.  I can hardly read about all this stuff anymore because I get discouraged and sad.  He's in the thick of it and he doesn't want to quit.  Thank you.  I'm glad I voted for him.


Measure 66 and 67 in Oregon passed.  Good.  I'm willing to pay taxes when it involves things like education and safety services.  I don't understand why people think these things don't cost money.  Our government institutions don't always make the most use of each dollar, but most companies and people don't either.

Is it best to take a hardline, all or nothing stance for the progressive policies I'd like us to establish, or will we get more done if we change incrementally?
I wish I knew the answer to that because it would determine my answer to the health care debate.


That's all for now.

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