Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eight Years

The eighth anniversary of a war is a convenient time to review where we are, where we're going, and where we're trying to be.  But, it shouldn't be the only time we think of it.  Every day is an anniversary of something in someone's life vis a vis the war in Afghanistan.
We're paying the price every day. 

And what should we do?  Obama is working on a long term strategy to deal with the ineffective Afghanistan government, the influence of Pakistan, the resurgent Taliban, and the new alliance between Al Qaeda and the Taliban.  Are we fighting insurgents or terrorists?  Are we going to prop up the current government?  What about the infrastructure?  the Afghanistan people?Nobody knows.  And the reality is, there's probably no perfect answer.
This morning on GMA, Wesley Clark had a reminder of the three lessons we should have learned from Vietnam:  a) if we increase the troop levels, casualties will increase, which will affect American support .  b) if the enemy has a sanctuary, we can't win unless we take the fight to the enemy.  c) We can't fix their government for them.

The best next step will be clear when it becomes clear what the United States wants to accomplish.
All I ask is that we proceed with integrity. In fact, I think I'll send a message to President Obama that says that.


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