Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The New Fall Season

Season Premiere of How I Met Your Mother - I read periodically that some viewers have negative feelings about Ted.  I like him.  I don't understand what people's problem is.  He's a nice, passionate guy who knows what he wants.  I'm not saying he's perfect, but what exactly do people not like?  I don't get it.  Anyway - the season premiere was sweet (Barney and Robin) and funny (Ted), and hopeful (Marshall and Lily).  I think this show is well-written, well-plotted, and well-acted.  Glad its back!

Series Premiere of Accidentally on Purpose - I'm sorry to say I didn't enjoy this show for many reasons.  1)  Irresponsible sex isn't funny, 2)  I watched Ugly Betty and Extras and liked the characters played by Ashley Jensen.  I don't like her character on this show.  3)  The trio of companions is similar to the trio on Samantha Who?  4)  I think the male lead acted way too earnest to be realistic.  Everything seemed forced and uncomfortable - like he's acting in a high school play trying to be an adult.  Except this time, its an adult trying to act like he's younger.  5)  The difference in age thing seems irrelevant and old-fashioned.  There isn't that much going on with people of different ages anymore - at least I think so.  6)  The slacker buddies are a snore.  7)  I'm not interested in shows about pregnancy or babies.  I might give this show a couple more tries, but it doesn't look good so far.  Also, I don't think its made for me. 

Season Premiere of The Big Bang Theory - The best part of the show was at the end when Penny and Leonard realized it is weird.  There were many funny moments and I enjoy this show a lot.  Sometimes I get bored with how picky Sheldon is.  I like him and its 95% funny, but 5% of the time its an easy shot.  And how much would so many people put up with that kind of behavior.  I understand many people assume Sheldon has Asperger's Syndrome which adds another layer that I'm not sure how I feel about.  Anyway - I like the show a lot and am glad it came back as well. 


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